SPARQL protocol and HTTP Update : HTML file upload

HTML form file upload is a POST of multipart/form-data [RFC1867].  For 
most current browsers, it can contain a single file and some other 
parameters.  The protocol allows multiple files.

Is this in/out scope for the SPARQL protocol and SPARQL HTTP Update?

It would be good for standard, documented behavior here.  What is needed is:

1/ Note that the 2 specs do apply to multipart/form-data
2/ Define it so every content-disposition: filename= means load
    as per POST for each of the SPARQL protocols.

Non-normative test would suffice.

SPARQL HTTP Update does not directly help for HTML forms but could be 
important for browser and AJA* applications.

SPARQL protocol for query is directly applicable to HTML forms; SPARQL 
Update works if the right content type 
(application/x-www-form-urlencoded) is allowed.

A file upload is RFC 1867 and looks like:
Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x

content-disposition: form-data; name="pics"; filename="file1.ttl"
Content-Type: text/turtle

... contents of file1.ttl ...

If multiple files are selected, you get a 2 level nested 
multipart/form-data (outer level for the form, inner level for the files).

Java systems can use:



Received on Thursday, 25 November 2010 10:16:50 UTC