Re: Thinking out lout about some strange SPARQL entailment test cases...

>  G:
>   :s :p 1
>  Q:
>  WHERE { ?L a xsd:integer }

I just added these test cases and I was wondering whether the 1 in the
graph should not be "1"^^xsd:integer. Isn't it a SPARQL specific way
of writing 1 as shortcu for "1"^^xsd:integer or is that also in
Turtle? Also, is a pure RDFS systems (without any additional datatype
support) required to read any datatype? I imagine most systems will
happily read properly typed literals and if 1 is a Turtle abbreviation
for "1"^^xsd:integer, then it should be fine I guess, but I am not
sure whether they MUST anything of the form "..."^^URI.


> Obviously, those will not give an answer, but some people might expect those to return surrogate blank nodes... a colleague of mine just came to me with that (in a different context), and I thought I might share it.
> Axel

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Received on Tuesday, 7 September 2010 15:52:42 UTC