[tests] Updates of property path tests and some new ones as well.


On some tests

RDF::Query and ARQ get the same answers on these tets but slightly 
different answers to the original draft results, reflecting the 
cardinality that was proposed in the property paths telecon.

Test pp02: add ex:a as result (path is * so includes start)
Test pp05: add literals
Test pp12: in:c twice (two routes via a->b->c and a->d->c)

In addition, I've added some new tests based on the diamond shapes we 
used in the telecon to discuss cardinality:

New tests (agreement between systems to be confirmed)
:pp20 to :pp25

We still need more tests for property paths covering "|", negated 
property sets, more tests with variables in the subject position, and 
tests that combine features in interesting ways so we agree on the 
correct cardinality of results (this is list is not exhaustive).

The algorithm description for arbitrary length paths in the property 
paths document needs rewriting as well.


Received on Wednesday, 4 August 2010 19:48:40 UTC