SPARQL TC 2010-03-30 Agenda

Dear all,

Thanks all again for the very productive F2F. Tomorrow, we will spend mainly on organisaitonal 
issues on how to proceed with the results of F2F3. That is, looking through the resolutions and 
planning for next publications, and maybe have another look at the open comments.

We shall proceed at full steam with the remaining technical issues from next week onwards

Detailed Agenda for tomorrow:

Call in details

When joining please don't identify yourself verbally; instead, identify yourself to Zakim on IRC

 • Date of Call: Tuesday March 30, 2010
 • Time of Call: 15:00 UK, 10:00 (East US)
 • Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
 • Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
 • Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)
 • Participant Access Code: 77277# (SPARQ)
 • IRC Channel: port 6665 channel #sparql ([])
 • Web-based IRC (member-only): (Firefox IRC addon: chatzilla)
 • Duration: 60 minutes
 • Chair: Axel Polleres
 • Scribe: ??? (didn't yet manage to update the Scribe List)
 • Link to Agenda:
[edit] Agenda

 • Admin
  • PROPOSED: Approve minutes at
  • Next meeting: 2010-04-06 (or is that too tight with Easter?)
 • Comment handling - see
 • Liaisons - Is there anything to report of relevance to the SPARQL WG?
  • RIF WG (Sandro)
  • RDB2RDF WG (Orri/LeeF)
  • eGov (Sandro)
 • review the resolutions from the F2F, minutes: Day 1 Day 2
 • discuss next publication dates, make sure the editors have what they need to incorporate changes from the F2F,
 • F2F4 plans?
[edit] Regrets

Received on Monday, 29 March 2010 18:11:12 UTC