Re: Update ISSUEs summary of how far we got today

On 12/01/2010 5:38 PM, Axel Polleres wrote:

 > ISSUE-27: Already the strawpoll. No real agreement on We didn't pass 
a new resolution, but ISSUE-27 is closed now, considering this earlier 

Strawpoll is at:

(aside: I'm finding it hard to the tie resolution to issue in the issue 
tracker. Is there a way to make trackbot tie the resolution to the issue?)

> PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-25 with the understanding that this is *allowed* by the definition of INSERT in the current SPARQL1.1/Update WD.

Agreed - the resolution should mention GRAPH which is the mechanism 
whereby it happens.

> PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-38 with the understanding that this is covered by the resolution of ISSUE-27 already



Received on Thursday, 14 January 2010 14:19:07 UTC