Re: RDF datasets for SPARQL Update?

On 23 Nov 2009, at 18:01, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> On 23/11/2009 17:36, Lee Feigenbaum wrote:
>> I'll let Steve speak, but I meant rethink it for SPARQL *Update* - no
>> one was proposing changing SPARQL Query's model, since we need to  
>> ensure
>> backwards compatibility. Sorry for any confusion.
> I read it as for SPARQL Update and nothing else :-)
> The query model is embedded in global naming via URIs and in AWWW so  
> it's a bit out of scope to make changes :-)

The default graph bit isn't, as that has no URI. But it's still out of  
scope for this WG to change that.

> There is a big difference with update - the server can now be  
> responsible for the current, definitive set of data for the graph,  
> primarily for URIs within it's part of the global namespace but we  
> have to think through the implications for updates to graphs named  
> by other parties.

Yes, that is quite a complex issue. I remember discussing something  
around this area with Dave - regarding SPARQL stores as a cache. I  
don't think that was discussed in the F2F meetings though, so I not  
don't think that is what Lee was referring to.

- Steve

Steve Harris, CTO, Garlik Limited
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Received on Monday, 23 November 2009 18:25:33 UTC