RE: Exact format for XML Literals?

> So if I have the data as
> <> ex:a "1.00"^^xsd:float .
> then
> ASK WHERE { ?a ex:b "1.0"^^xsd:float . }
> should return false? 

SPARQL says nothing about how the graph is input and stored so the loading process may have turned "1.00"^^xsd:float into "1.0"^^xsd:float which confuses the issue here.

But this not the XMLLiteral issue - both are legal xsd:floats.

Your example has a string of characters that is not in the lexical space of XMLLiteral so "hello"^^xsd:float is a better example.

The XML literal defn says nothing if the supplied characters do not meet the requirement - and the situation is the same as like "<b>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral (unbalanced) or "<b"^^rdf:XMLLiteral (not well formed). 


Received on Monday, 14 September 2009 10:23:58 UTC