RE: No SPARQL WG Call tomorrow September 1

> Here's where I see our focus being in the coming weeks and months:
> + logistics (where are the documents stored, cvs access for editors,
> permissions...)

Progress: With help from EricP, there's a placeholder for the query doc at:

which at the moment is just placeholder sections for the new features.  No content.

Steve and I have CVS access to this.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Lee Feigenbaum
> Sent: 31 August 2009 16:27
> To: SPARQL Working Group
> Subject: No SPARQL WG Call tomorrow September 1
> Hi everyone,
> Due to the lack of an available chair I'm canceling tomorrow's weekly
> teleconference. We'll pick them up again on September 8.
> Here's where I see our focus being in the coming weeks and months:
> + logistics (where are the documents stored, cvs access for editors,
> permissions...)
> + structure (skeletal contents, starting with existing /Query and
> /Protocol documents, is service description its own document, what about
> the RESTful update stuff? - My inclination is to do separate documents
> wherever it is feasible.)
> + Content. (Of course - we'd like to have as much content as possible at
> FPWD, and the design template work goes a long way towards that)
> + Issue identification. Putting this together should help us figure out
> what issues we still have open, and then starting in October we can
> begin working through our issues list and dovetailing actions on people
> to help resolve issues with decisions and with actions on editors to
> incorporate issue resolutions into the documents.
> Of course, people are welcome & encouraged to get together tomorrow at
> the usual time anyway - perhaps if EricP is around he can help get some
> of the logistics sorted out for editors?
> Apologies for the late notice!
> Lee

Received on Monday, 31 August 2009 17:51:16 UTC