- From: Luke Wilson-Mawer <luke.wilson-mawer@garlik.com>
- Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 15:45:30 +0100
- To: SPARQL Working Group <public-rdf-dawg@w3.org>
Hi, Here are my comments on the UPDATE submission, they aren't independent since Steve's name is on the submission for Garlik, but hopefully they're useful nonetheless http://www.w3.org/Submission/2008/SUBM-SPARQL-Update-20080715/ 1) INSERT DATA/UPDATE DATA. Streaming of large chunks of data seems like something the protocol ought to do - it seems to me more natural to squirt a whole file over the wire than to turn the data into a query. The LOAD <remoteURI> feature would also seem like a natural way to do this, possibly extended to load local files, although I'm not sure about the security consequnces. 2) It doesn't seem clear whether a WHERE clause and FILTERS can be used with these verbs: CREATE DROP CLEAR LOAD 3) Do we really need the MODIFY verb? It seems to be syntactic sugar, as we can always use either DELETE FROM <uri> or INSERT INTO <uri> to specify a graph. It isn't used in any of the examples but it's mentioned elsewhere. The only thing it seems to do is stop the user having to type a graph name more than once if multiple operations are done on the same graph in the same query. 4) I agree with Alex Passant that Example 2e would be simplified by introducing a MOVE verb. Still, this example requires the full syntax: The bookStore2 graph is created and only a year's worth of books are kept : PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> INSERT INTO <http://example/bookStore2> { ?book ?p ?v } WHERE { GRAPH <http://example/bookStore> { ?book dc:date ?date . FILTER ( ?date < "2000-01-01T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime && ?date > "1999-01-01T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime) ?book ?p ?v } } DELETE FROM <http://example/bookStore> { ?book ?p ?v } WHERE { GRAPH <http://example/bookStore> { ?book dc:date ?date . FILTER ( ?date < "2000-01-01T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ) ?book ?p ?v } } Thanks, Luke
Received on Monday, 20 July 2009 14:46:09 UTC