> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Eric Prud'hommeaux
> Sent: 06 July 2009 21:05
> To:
> Subject: MINUS vs. UNSAID
> I've been noodling on this for a while, trying to see practical
> differences between MINUS (evaluated purely bottom-up) and UNSAID
> (which appears to seed the outermost BGP with variable bindings from
> outside).
> I implemented UNSAID probably 6 years ago in Algae2, and I complained
> bitterly that the bottom-up semantics of SPARQL were confusing for
> users. Despite that, I have to say that MINUS is much more clear to me
> as UNSAID carries variable bindings into nested evaluations in ways I
> don't fully understand.

UNSAID (NOT EXISTS below) is a filter.

PREFIX  :     <http://example/>

  { ?a :p1 ?b
      { ?a :p2 ?c .
        ?c :p3 ?b
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(base <file:///c:/home/afs/Projects/ARQ/>
  (prefix ((: <http://example/>))
    (filter (! (exists
                   (triple ?a :p2 ?c)
                   (triple ?c :p3 ?b)
      (bgp (triple ?a :p1 ?b)))))

So it is bottom up evaluation as usual but it's not based on a join/leftjoin.


{ ?a :p1 ?b FILTER (give ?a and ?b does <expr> evaluate to true?....) }

But without the mobility of FILTER.
In this case the same query is:

{ ?a :p1 ?b FILTER(NOT EXISTS{ ?a :p2 ?c . ?c :p3 ?b}) }

Because it is a the end of the first BGP anyway.

> Following are some thought experiments (doing subtraction by hand):
> Data D1: { :a1 :p1 :b1 ;
>                :p2 :c1 .
>            :c1 :p3 :b2 }

The significance point Eric is making in this query is the use of ?b in the first triple pattern and also as object for :p3.

> Query M1: { ?a :p1 ?b MINUS { ?a :p2 ?c . ?c :p3 ?b } }
>   ?a ?b - ?a ?b ?c = ?a ?b
>   a1 b1   a1 b2 c1   a1 b1
> Result M1: ?a ?b
>            a1 b1

Try: ?c as a bNode (the effect is to project it out of the way)

  ?a ?b - ?a ?b  = <nothing> 
  a1 b1   a1 b2   

which seems odd to me. Why does having _:c and not ?c make a logical difference?

> Query M2: { ?a :p1 ?b MINUS { ?a :p2 ?c OPTIONAL { ?c :p3 ?b } } }
>   ?a ?b - ?a ?b ?c = ?a ?b
>   a1 b1   a1 b2 c1   a1 b1
> Result M2: ?a ?b
>            a1 b1
> AndyS performed these on ARQ's UNSAID implementation:
> Query U1: { ?a :p1 ?b UNSAID { ?a :p2 ?c . ?c :p3 ?b } }
> Result U1: ?a ?b
>            a1 b1
> Query U2: { ?a :p1 ?b UNSAID { ?a :p2 ?c OPTIONAL { ?c :p3 ?b } } }
> Result U2: ?a ?b  # no bindings
> AndyS, could you tell me what you get when you try Query U2 on:?
> Data D2: { :a1 :p1 :b1 ;
>                :p2 :c1 } # no :p3 arc
> I expect the same as U2.


> Looking for real-world questions which would elicit these differences:
> Data D3
> _:eric :givenname "eric"; :holdsAccout <act1>. <act1> :accountName "eric".
> _:bobS :givenname "bob" ; :holdsAccout <act2>. <act2> :accountName "bobs".
> _:eve  :givenname "eve" ; :holdsAccout <act3>.
> (
>  or in tabular form for brevity:
>         givenname holdsAccount accountName
>  _:eric "eric"    <act1>       "eric"
>  _:bobS "bob"     <act2>       "bobs"
>  _:eve  "eve"     <act3>
> )
> Find the folks for whom I need to create accounts based on their given name:
> Query M3:
> ?who foaf:givenname ?name
>   ?who foaf:holdsAccount ?act
>     ?act foaf:accountName ?name .
>   }
> }
> Result M3:
> ?who   ?name    ?who   ?act   ?name    ?who   ?name
> _:eric "eric"   _:eric <act1> "eric"   _:bobS "bob"
> _:bobS "bob"  - _:bobS <act2> "bobS" = _:eve  "eve"
> _:eve  "eve"    _:eve  <act3>
> Query U3:
> ?who foaf:givenname ?name
>   ?who foaf:holdsAccount ?act
>     ?act foaf:accountName ?name .
>   }
> }
> Result U3 (extrapolated from UNSAID results above):
> ?who   ?nam
> _:eve  "eve"
> Note, these are untested, please verify.
> --
> -eric
> office: +1.617.258.5741 32-G528, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02144 USA
> mobile: +1.617.599.3509
> (
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