Re: Wording Fixes for section 12.6

All done.


Pat Hayes wrote:
> Sorry, I should have done this earlier. (Thanks to Lee for pushing my 
> nose to the grindstone.)
> Some changes needed to the wording in section 12.6.
> Third para, replace
> "An entailment regime is a transitive idempotent binary relation between 
> subsets of RDF graphs. A graph in the range of an entailment regime E is 
> called well-formed for the regime."
> by
> "An <i>entailment regime</i> specifies (1) a subset of RDF graphs called 
> <i>well-formed</i> for the regime, and (2) an <i>entailment</i> relation 
> between subsets of well-formed graphs and well-formed graphs."

Done (as a numbered list because feedback has been this style works better for 
non-English speakers).

> para 4, insert new second sentence. "Of these, only OWL-DL entailment 
> restricts the set of well-formed graphs."
> para 5, second sentence, replace
> "For example, "-1"^^xsd:positiveInteger is inconsistent with respect to 
> D-entailment."
> by
> "For example, the RDF graph
> _:x rdf:type xsd:string .
> _:x rdf:type xsd:decimal .
> is D-inconsistent when D contains the XSD datatypes."


> (Or, use some other example of a datatype clash from 
> )(Or, omit.)
> To help overcome some of Fred's objections to how this is worded, it 
> might help also to link the first mention of the 'scoping graph' in the 
> first SPARQL condition to the explanation at


> Or if y'all don't like internal links, give an explicit reference to 
> section 12.3.2.
> Pat

Received on Monday, 12 March 2007 22:10:13 UTC