Re: ISSUE: rule [14] SolutionModifier

Fred Zemke wrote:
> SolutionModifier consists of three optional parts:
> [14] SolutionModifier ::= OrderClause? LimitClause? OffsetClause?
> Section 10.1 "Solution sequences and result forms"
> says that OffsetClause is processed before LimitClause.
> Therefore it would seem more natural to rearrange this rule like this:
> [14] SolutionModifier ::= OrderClause? OffsetClause? LimitClause?
> Fred

This continues the thread from

SQL has the order as currently in SPARQL.  We could allow both orders; limit 
and offset go together.

[14]  SolutionModifier ::= OrderClause? OffsetLimitClause?
[14a] OffsetLimitClause ::= (LIMIT (OFFSET)?) | (OFFSET (LIMIT)?)


Received on Monday, 25 September 2006 10:31:15 UTC