Editorial: consistent use of "triple" instead of "arc"

I saw this:
	"""The first dc:date arc has no type information. The second has the  
datatype xsd:dateTime.""
Doing some searching reveals:
	"""This query finds the people who have multiple foaf:name arcs:"""

But nowhere else. "Arc" is not defined and is strongly non standard.  
The sentences are a bit off anyway. I suggest some wordsmithing,  
e.g., for the first one I'd rather have:

	"The object of the second triple is a plain literal which happens to  
have the same lexical form as the object of the last (or fourth)  
triple, which is a typed literal with type xsd:dateTime.")

(So "arc" means something like "triple", and in both cases, the  
triple *has* no type information (by which I mean you need to know  
about what it is supposed to have type information about. Triples  
certainly don't have datatypes, at least not in the sense of being of  
type some datatype.)


Received on Friday, 18 August 2006 04:41:15 UTC