Re: ISSUE: Malformed literals and non-lexical literals

Bijan Parsia wrote:
> On Aug 17, 2006, at 12:39 PM, Seaborne, Andy wrote:
>> Bijan Parsia wrote:
>>> Thanks Andy, that was interesting.
>>> On Aug 17, 2006, at 10:20 AM, Seaborne, Andy wrote:
>>>> Output from ARQ (using the standalone expression evaluator  
>>>> because  it explains what is going on; ASK queries mask this):
>>>> Reformatted for email.
>>>> ==== Test 1
>>>> arq.qexpr "'-5'^^xsd:positiveInteger < 5" ==> error
>>>> 10:06:46 WARN  NodeValue
>>>>     Datatype format exception: "-5"^^xsd:positiveInteger
>>>> Exception: Can't compare "-5"^^<  
>>>> XMLSchema#positiveInteger> and 5
>>> You say that the warnings do not affect the results.
>> Warnings are output as logging messages.  Ignore then for the value  
>> of the expression.  ARQ just outputs some logging stuff for caes  
>> where the user may find it useful.  As ARQ (and Jena and Joseki)  
>> uses Jakarta Commons Logging (and log4j usually) the user/app can  
>> pick and choose logging messages anyway.
>>> But this is
>>> wrong behavior, yes?
>>> """Specifically, FILTERs eliminate any solutions that, when   
>>> substituted into the expression, result in either an effective   
>>> boolean value of false or produce an error. """
>> This is showing the result of an expression evaluation, not the  
>> full filter evaluation.  That's why I didn't use an ASK query.
> Ok, but surely the relevant bit is how this expression evaluation  
> affects filter evaluation.
>> 	Andy
>>> So, given data
>>> 	:b :p "-5"^^xsd:positiveInteger.
>>> 	:b :q "5"^^xsd:positiveInteger.
>>> and query
>>> 	SELECT ?x {?x :p ?L1. ?x :q ?L2. FILTER ?L1 < ?L2}

Syntax error : FILTER ( ?L1 < ?L2 )

>>> ARQ returns
>>> 	?x/:b
>>> instead of no answers?
> Hence wondering what ARQ does in this specific case.

ARQ returns:

| x |


> Cheers,
> Bijan.

Received on Thursday, 17 August 2006 11:57:40 UTC