Re: Comment on 11.2 "filter evaluation" (CR 6 Apr 2006)

Related message on the comments list:

(I couldn't find any text to quote to answer the comment)


Fred Zemke wrote:
> 11.2 Filter evaluation
> The rules do not say how to handle an unbound variable
> in an expression.  Clearly it must be possible
> for the argument of BOUND to be unbound.  I believe the desired
> semantics are that it is an error to have an unbound argument
> for any other function.  This should be stated explicitly.
> Also, note that the first bullet says
> "SPARQL functions do not process node sequences.  When interpreting
> the semantics of XPath functions assume that each argument is
> a sequence of a single node".  Given that an argument might be
> unbound, it is not true that arguments are always a sequence
> of length 1; I think the truth is that the argument may be a
> sequence of length 0 or 1.
> Fred

Received on Wednesday, 12 July 2006 17:10:56 UTC