- From: Janne Saarela <janne.saarela@profium.com>
- Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 18:35:07 +0200
- To: RDF Data Access Working Group <public-rdf-dawg@w3.org>
Attendees: Dan Connolly (chair), Janne Saarela (Scribe), Andy Seaborne, Kendall Clark, Sergio Tessaris, Souripriya Das, Enrico Franconi, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Steve Harris, Lee Feigenbaum, Elias Torres, Jeen Broekstra (left 15:15Z). Regrets: Libby Miller, Sven Groppe, Jos DeRoo, Pat Hayes Starting at 14:30Z Raw irc log at the end of this email, online raw irc logs at http://www.w3.org/2006/03/21-dawg-irc -- Agenda 1. Convene RDF Data Access WG meeting of 2006-03-21T14:30Z Approved minutes from 14-March-2006 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2006JanMar/0448.html with two amendments. Next meeting 28-March-2006 at 14:30Z. Chair: DanC, scribe: KendallC ACTION: EricP to email the semweb CG about a sparql-dev mailing list. DONE ACTION: AndyS to change "this is" to "RDF graphs are" in response to both [2006-02-22T20:32:56Z Peter F. Patel-Schneider] and [2006-02-22T23:56:54Z Peter F. Patel-Schneider] * There's an editing action implicit in the decision from last week; it seems to be done in the editor's draft v1.663 of 2006/03/16 17:04:47 DONE ACTION: AndyS to respond to [2006-02-22T14:46:35Z Arjohn Kampman] DONE ACTION: EricP to respond to [2006-02-23T09:38:05Z Arjohn Kampman] DONE ACTION: AndyS to respond to [2006-02-24T08:45:23Z Olivier Corby] DONE ACTION: KendallC to edit proto-wd w.r.t. decision: in case of syntax error [including extension], must return malformed query or query request refused. editor's changelog shows it done in 1.113 2006/03/20 21:57:10 DONE ACTION: KC to work on edited changelog since 2005-09-14 LCWD; in progress... done? DONE ACTION: DanC to fix the "inconsistent use of terminology" [2005-09-23T14:34:50Z Peter F. Patel-Schneider] thread. done in lc comment status v1.65 2006/03/20 22:29:09 DONE Agenda 2. comments related to rdfSemantics, owlDisjunction ACTION: Enrico to explain definitions in reply to LeeF's questions DONE ACTION LeeF: to find email thread about wording of restricting pattern solution domain to variables in BGP; follow up on that to get text back into rq23 CONTINUED ACTION: SergioT to ask Ian Horrocks if he is satisfied with DAWG resolution of owlDisjunction, in reply to 2005-09-11T21:34:55Z Ian Horrocks DONE ACTION: LeeF to create test case resulting from 2006-03-03T11:15Z (before lunch, 2nd day) whiteboard discussion CONTINUED ACTION: SergioT to respond to 2005-09-18T15:02:48Z Peter F. Patel-Schneider (overtaken by more recent last call?) CONTINUED ACTION: SergioT to make test case for bnode scope in different BGPs. DONE in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2006JanMar/0446.html Agenda 3. Toward CR: protocol editing, etc. ACTION: KendallC to update protocol references to [SRD] and WSDL CONTINUED ACTION: LeeF to try SPARQL WSDL files with Woden validator, report results. CONTINUED ACTION: KendallC to confirm that SPARQL WSDL query/queryrequest and maxOccurs do not need to be changed, despite http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2006Feb/0009.html Agenda 4. Toward CR: exit criteria ACTION: SteveH and AndyS to map approved tests to UC&R features. DONE in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2006JanMar/0455.html ACTION: AndyS conjure some LIMIT/OFFSET tests ACTION: DanC to noodle on SOAP exit criteria. DONE during teleconf: since (a) we have a WSDL requirement, (b) we're resolved to have a test for every requirement by CR exit Agenda 5. Toward CR, comments, misc ACTION: DanC to respond to major technical: underspecified errors CONTINUED ACTION: DanC to join the [2005-09-08T01:26:59Z Peter F. Patel-Schneider] thread with PPS's late Feb comments WITHDRAWN ACTION: EricP to work on [2006-02-24T08:45:23Z Olivier Corby], potentially automating examples2tests progress CONTINUED ACTION: SvenG to follow up with Reto Krummenacher on [2006-02-24T16:40:55Z Reto Krummenacher]. DONE ACTION: DanC to send [OK?] msg to 2006-02-22T23:56:54Z Peter F. Patel-Schneider on Section 1 and Section 2, basically, [needstest] ACTION: DanC to draft request for CR progress: CR request, in progress at http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/crq349 It was discussed that a two month period should be reasonable for CR period to meet with the exit criteria and to draw enough market attention/acceptance. PROPOSED: to advance SPARQL to CR as discussed in this meeting i.e. plan to go to CR on 29-March-2006, contingent on successful outcomes of actions in this meeting. Responses to this proposal to be gathered via http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35463/crq349/ WG members will get "please fill out the form" notice in email today. -- Adjourned at 16:00Z, didn't have time to process agenda items 6 (MIME type registrations) and 7 (test suite maintenance) today. Relevant to missed agenda item 7: ACTION: Jeen to figure out whether he can become test case editor and report back by telecon on Mar 14 DONE -- Next meeting: March 28th, 2006 at 14:30Z. Chair: DanC, scribe: KendallC -- Raw irc log follows: <DanC> Zakim, this will be dawg <Zakim> ok, DanC, I see SW_DAWG()9:30AM already started * RRSAgent has joined #dawg <DanC> Zakim, who's on the phone? <Zakim> On the phone I see +1.617.894.aaaa <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/03/21-dawg-irc <DanC> an early bird * DanC Zakim, call DanC-BOS * Zakim ok, DanC; the call is being made <Zakim> +DanC <Zakim> +??P4 * EnricoFranconi has joined #dawg <DanC> Zakim, aaaa is LeeF <Zakim> +LeeF; got it <AndyS_> zakim, ??P4 is I <Zakim> +AndyS_; got it <DanC> agenda + Convene, take roll, review records and agenda * Zakim notes agendum 1 added <Zakim> +[IPcaller] <DanC> agenda + comments related to rdfSemantics, owlDisjunction * Zakim notes agendum 2 added <jeen> Zakim, [IPcaller] is me <Zakim> +jeen; got it <DanC> agenda + Toward CR: protocol editing, etc. * Zakim notes agendum 3 added <Zakim> +[IPcaller] <DanC> agenda + Toward CR: exit criteria * Zakim notes agendum 4 added <SteveH> Zakim, IPcaller is SteveH <Zakim> +SteveH; got it * AndyS_ back in 2 mins - needs a drink for his sore throat <DanC> agenda + Toward CR, comments, misc * Zakim notes agendum 5 added <DanC> agenda + MIME type registrations * Zakim notes agendum 6 added <DanC> agenda + test suite maintenance * Zakim notes agendum 7 added <DanC> agenda + JSON results format * Zakim notes agendum 8 added <Zakim> +[IPcaller] <JanneS> zakim, IPcaller is JanneS <Zakim> +JanneS; got it * EliasT has joined #dawg * SerT has joined #dawg <DanC> Meeting: RDF Data Access Weekly <DanC> Scribe: JanneS <DanC> Chair: DanC <JanneS> I noticed topic was set to '1400Z' and was worried if I was late for the meeting * kendallclark has joined #dawg <SteveH> zakim, mute me <Zakim> SteveH should now be muted <Zakim> +[IBMCambridge] <DanC> Regrets: Libby Miller, Sven Groppe <Zakim> +Kendall_Clark <DanC> Zakim, [IBMCambridge] holds Elias <Zakim> +Elias; got it <EliasT> Zakim, IBMCambridge is me <Zakim> +EliasT; got it <Zakim> +??P10 * jeen has to give partial regrets, have a conflicting appointment at 15:15Z so have to leave a bit early... <DanC> Zakim, ??P10 is Souri <Zakim> +Souri; got it <DanC> noted, Jeen <DanC> Regrets+ Pat Hayes <Zakim> +[IPcaller] <EnricoFranconi> zakim, ipcaller is me <Zakim> +EnricoFranconi; got it <ericP> zakim, please dial ericP-617.2 <Zakim> ok, ericP; the call is being made <Zakim> +EricP * Souri has joined #dawg <DanC> Zakim, mute EnricoFranconi <Zakim> EnricoFranconi should now be muted <DanC> Zakim, unmute EnricoFranconi <Zakim> EnricoFranconi should no longer be muted <ericP> zakim, please disconnect ericP <Zakim> EricP is being disconnected <Zakim> -EricP <ericP> zakim, please dial ericP-617.2 <Zakim> ok, ericP; the call is being made <Zakim> +EricP <DanC> Zakim, who is on the phone? <Zakim> On the phone I see LeeF, DanC, AndyS_, jeen, SteveH (muted), JanneS, EliasT, Kendall_Clark, Souri, EnricoFranconi, EricP <Zakim> EliasT has Elias <DanC> PROPOSED: to ammend Meeting minutes: March 14th, 2006 to show Elias Torres present and correct the spelling of Souripriya Das, and to approve it, as ammended, as a true record <ericP> second <DanC> -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2006JanMar/0448.html minutes 14 MAr <DanC> so RESOLVED <DanC> PROPOSED: to meet again 27 March, 1400Z; recruit scribe; confirm chair <DanC> PROPOSED: to meet again 27 March, 1430Z; recruit scribe; confirm chair <DanC> Zakim, pick a scribe <Zakim> Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Kendall_Clark <JanneS> 28 March? <DanC> PROPOSED: to meet again 28 March, 1430Z; recruit scribe; confirm chair * DanC will learn to operate a calendar one day <ericP> 27 March, 1400Z + 24.5 hours <DanC> RESOLVED: to meet 28 March, 1430Z, KendallC to scribe <Zakim> -SteveH * Souri has quit IRC (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) <DanC> ACTION: EricP to email the semweb CG about a sparql-dev mailing list. Done; see new mailing list from DanC 9 Mar [DONE] * Souri has joined #dawg * RRSAgent records action 1 <Zakim> +[IPcaller] <SteveH> Zakim, IPcaller is me <Zakim> +SteveH; got it <SteveH> got kicked off <SteveH> zakim, mute me <Zakim> SteveH should now be muted <DanC> 8 actions done <DanC> Topic: public-sparql-dev <DanC> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2006JanMar/0436.html <DanC> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sparql-dev/ <DanC> EricP: am I the maintainer? <DanC> DanC: I hope so * AndyS_ was waiting until DAWG in CR before emailing the new list. <DanC> DanC: think about what you need for a CR decision <DanC> Zakim, next item <Zakim> agendum 1. "Convene, take roll, review records and agenda" taken up [from DanC] <DanC> Zakim, close item 1 <Zakim> agendum 1, Convene, take roll, review records and agenda, closed <Zakim> I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is <Zakim> 2. comments related to rdfSemantics, owlDisjunction [from DanC] <ericP> i found 6 subscribe requests to public-sparql-dev-request@w3.org <DanC> Zakim, next item <Zakim> agendum 2. "comments related to rdfSemantics, owlDisjunction" taken up [from DanC] <DanC> ACTION: Enrico to explain definitions in reply to LeeF's questions (done: 28 Feb) [DONE] * RRSAgent records action 2 <DanC> ACTION LeeF: to find email thread about wording of restricting pattern solution domain to variables in BGP; follow up on that to get text back into rq23 [CONTINUES] * RRSAgent records action 3 <DanC> LeeF: I'm likely to ask to withdraw, based on discussion with AndyS <SerT> yes <JanneS> CTION: SergioT to ask Ian Horrocks if he is satisfied with DAWG resolution of owlDisjunction, in reply to 2005-09-11T21:34:55Z Ian Horrocks DONE <JanneS> ACTION: LeeF to create test case resulting from 2006-03-03T11:15Z (before lunch, 2nd day) whiteboard discussion * RRSAgent records action 4 <Zakim> -LeeF <ericP> ACTION: SergioT to ask Ian Horrocks if he is satisfied with DAWG resolution of owlDisjunction, in reply to 2005-09-11T21:34:55Z Ian Horrocks [DONE] <DanC> LeeF? does that share state with your earlier action? * RRSAgent records action 5 <ericP> JanneS, just noticed it was missing the initial 'A' <JanneS> uh, learning to copy&paste <ericP> np <SerT> not yet <SerT> yes <JanneS> LeeF's action continued. <JanneS> ACTION: SergioT to respond to 2005-09-18T15:02:48Z Peter F. Patel-Schneider (overtaken by more recent last call?) [ CONTINUED ] * RRSAgent records action 6 <DanC> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2006JanMar/0021.html <JanneS> ACTION: SerT to make test case for bnode scope in different BGPs. DONE in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2006JanMar/0446.html * RRSAgent records action 7 <SerT> that's done <SerT> I sent the testcases around <DanC> yes, thanks <AndyS_> I checked them in <DanC> bonus points <AndyS_> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2006JanMar/0451.html <jeen> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/Construct/ * LeeF has joined #dawg <DanC> perhaps dawg-construct-identity ? <AndyS_> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/Construct/query-ident.rq * LeeF apologies for dropping off before * DanC np <AndyS_> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/Construct/query-reif.rq <ericP> second <AndyS_> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/BNodes/query.rq * JosDeRoo has joined #dawg <DanC> PROPOSED: to adopt dawg-construct-identity dawg-construct-subgraph dawg-construct-reification <DanC> so RESOLVED <SerT> testcase for my action is in http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/BNodes/ <AndyS_> Jeen - we ought to email about the subgraph test more clearly * JosDeRoo belated regrets DanC; can't make it again :-( <DanC> Regrets+ JosDeRoo <DanC> ok, Jos <SerT> that was about maintaining bnode coreferences in answersets <DanC> sergio, is that a different test, related to this agendum? <JosDeRoo> thanks DanC <jeen> andyS, in relation to the requirements you mean? <SerT> that was the one mentioned in the action <SerT> I added two testcases about construct <SerT> but there wasn't a specific action <DanC> is dawg-bnode-coreference ready? <DanC> AndyS says yes <AndyS_> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/Construct/query-subgraph.rq <AndyS_> That is a new test we needed to cover UC&R <AndyS_> (subgraph requirment) <DanC> Jeen 2nds dawg-bnode-coreference (in http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/BNodes/manifest.ttl _ <DanC> PROPOSED: to adopt dawg-bnode-coreference (in http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/data/BNodes/manifest.ttl ) <DanC> so RESOLVED. <DanC> Zakim, next item <Zakim> agendum 3. "Toward CR: protocol editing, etc." taken up [from DanC] <JanneS> ACTION: KC to update protocol references to [SRD] and WSDL [ CONTINUED ] <LeeF> haven't gotten to it yet * RRSAgent records action 8 <LeeF> this week hopefully <JanneS> ACTION: LeeF to try SPARQL WSDL files with Woden validator, report results. [ CONTINUED ] * RRSAgent records action 9 <DanC> -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2006Feb/0009.html WSD WG comments <LeeF> zakim, LeeF is with EliasT <Zakim> +LeeF; got it * LeeF oo neat <ericP> LeeF, while you're in the validating mindset, you may want to run the WSDL1.1 through HugoH's 1.1=>2.0 xslt service <LeeF> yes, I suppose I may want to do that <LeeF> :-) <ericP> of *course* you do * EliasT wonders if Jeen is paying attention to his private message window. <DanC> ACTION KC: change query/queryrequest names as requested in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2006Feb/0009.html * jeen is, now * RRSAgent records action 10 <DanC> (maybe not) <DanC> action -10 * RRSAgent drops action 10, KC to change query/queryrequest names as requested in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2006Feb/0009.html <DanC> ACTION KC: confirm that SPARQL WSDL query/queryrequest and maxOccurs do not need to be changed, despite http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2006Feb/0009.html * RRSAgent records action 11 <LeeF> sure <DanC> KC is not aware of any substantive changes to SPARQL WSDL that he's inclined to make <DanC> Zakim, next item <Zakim> agendum 4. "Toward CR: exit criteria" taken up [from DanC] <JanneS> ACTION: SteveH and AndyS to map approved tests to UC&R features. DONE in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2006JanMar/0455.html ? * RRSAgent records action 12 <DanC> ACTION AndyS: conjure some LIMIT/OFFSET tests * RRSAgent records action 13 <SteveH> done as fas as im concerned <JanneS> ACTION: DanC to noodle on SOAP exit criteria [ DONE during teleconf ] * RRSAgent records action 14 <DanC> since (a) we have a WSDL requirement, (b) we're resolved to have a test for every requirement by CR exit <DanC> Zakim, next item <Zakim> agendum 5. "Toward CR, comments, misc" taken up [from DanC] <JanneS> ACTION: DanC to respond to major technical: underspecified errors * RRSAgent records action 15 <JanneS> DanC: are there still major issues from Oracle? <DanC> old last comment status: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2006Mar/att-0022/lc-status-report.html__charset_us-ascii * AndyS_ did one Fred comment and sent [OK?] today about sequence modifiers - just a editting error * jeen has to leave in 1min. my standing action (about becoming test case editor) is resolved: I can do it. will send mail to DAWG on some 'tidying' plans later this week. <DanC> (Janne, pls note these arguments?) <DanC> (or somebody?) * DanC excellent, jeen. thanks <JanneS> Oracle's implementation elaborated: identifier length problem related to colum name length <Zakim> -jeen * jeen has quit IRC (Quit: Ik ga weg) <JanneS> Souripriya thinks there isn't an issue with this, though. Internal discussions to take place within oracle <DanC> -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2006Jan/0066.html major technical: underspecified errors <JanneS> DanC: another issue is the underspecified errors in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2006Jan/0066.html <kendallclark> wow, I can't hear Eric at all. * ericP surprising. i can hear quite well. <JanneS> Kendall: we've rather taken light-weight approach to describing errors (instead of enumerating lots of them) * EliasT curious what did we agree was the answer to this SELECT ?x FROM NAMED <xyz> FROM NAMED <xyz> WHERE { ?x a w:idget }. Does it duplicate all solutions? <AndyS_> QL doc defines what SPARQL *is* - if anything gets outside what it *is* then it isn't SPARQL and what happens is not defined by the spec. <JanneS> DanC: planning to give one week now for organizations to get ready for entering CR <DanC> # ACTION: DanC to respond to major technical: underspecified errors [WITHDRAWN] <DanC> ACTION: DanC to join the [2005-09-08T01:26:59Z Peter F. Patel-Schneider] thread with PPS's late Feb comments * RRSAgent records action 16 <EnricoFranconi> I guess so <AndyS_> e.g. It's an RDQL query - could choose to find the RDQL parser to be helpful but it's not SPARQL anymore * AndyS_ :-) <EnricoFranconi> yes <DanC> -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/lc-status-report.html comment status 1.68 <DanC> ACTION: DanC to join the [2005-09-08T01:26:59Z Peter F. Patel-Schneider] thread with PPS's late Feb comments [WITHDRAWN] * RRSAgent records action 17 <kendallclark> they were legion :0 <kendallclark> erp, :> <JanneS> Kendall: from experience PPS's comments help us find bugs <JanneS> DanC: PPS's comments could be converted to test cases at best <DanC> I'm inclined to mark his comments [needstest], but not critical to CR <JanneS> ('at best' not good English in my previous note, oh well) <ericP> please * AndyS_ applauds Erics work <JanneS> # ACTION: EricP to work on [2006-02-24T08:45:23Z Olivier Corby], potentially automating examples2tests progress [CONTINUED ] * AndyS_ great to have for UC&R coverage <JanneS> ACTION: EricP to work on [2006-02-24T08:45:23Z Olivier Corby], potentially automating examples2tests progress [ CONTINUED ] * RRSAgent records action 18 <DanC> # ACTION: SvenG to follow up with Reto Krummenacher on [2006-02-24T16:40:55Z Reto Krummenacher]. Note: the thread is closed as of 14 March [DONE] <JanneS> ACTION: SvenG to follow up with Reto Krummenacher on [2006-02-24T16:40:55Z Reto Krummenacher]. DONE * RRSAgent records action 19 <Zakim> -SteveH <DanC> ACTION DanC: send [OK?] msg to 2006-02-22T23:56:54Z Peter F. Patel-Schneider on Section 1 and Section 2, basically, [needstest] * RRSAgent records action 20 <ericP> sweet! <JanneS> AndyS: Lee sent OK msg already to that * LeeF yes! * EliasT thinks LeeF gets a gold start. <DanC> bonus points to lee http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2006Mar/0001.html * LeeF goes to the bonus points store * EliasT thinks maybe even a gold star. <LeeF> right <DanC> -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/crq349 cr request, 1.21 <JanneS> ACTION: DanC to draft request for CR progress: CR request, in progress * EliasT thinks that DanC's gold star system might actually work. * RRSAgent records action 21 * SteveH has a dodgy access point that crashes :( * AndyS_ has outstanding edits which are editorial - willing to do in CR <DanC> 1.114 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/proto-wd/Overview.html <SteveH> are we going beyond 1530Z? <DanC> . http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/proto-wd/sparql-protocol-query.wsdl * AndyS_ also the "implementation experience" \u thing (CR = implementation experience) <DanC> sparql-protocol-query.wsdl,v 1.17 2006/01/11 19:14:45 <Zakim> +[IPcaller] <DanC> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/proto-wd/sparql-protocol-types.xsd <SteveH> Zakim, IPcaller is SteveH <Zakim> +SteveH; got it <DanC> sparql-protocol-types.xsd,v 1.17 2006/01/11 19:15:22 <SteveH> zakim, mute me <Zakim> SteveH should now be muted <DanC> AndyS: overview, defns, parsers <ericP> how about this examples.hmtl that i'm working on? <DanC> -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rf1/ results format 1.78 $ of $Date: 2006/01/04 15:59:22 <ericP> specifically, http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/examples <ericP> yes <AndyS_> Overview: 1.664 <ericP> ok, drop it <ericP> right <AndyS_> Defns: v1.3 <AndyS_> Parsers: its a directory <JanneS> DanC: planning to go CR on March-29 <ericP> i can make a read-only bit in ycaker <ericP> yacker <ericP> i can vouch for the C and C++ versions as well <ericP> yup <DanC> ACTION: check in C and C++ generated grammars. * RRSAgent records action 22 <ericP> hmm, i guess diff would work <AndyS_> BNF is v1.1 <DanC> rq23/parsers/sparql.bnf 1.1, concur * ericP frosty <EliasT> currently swapping <DanC> Zakim, who's on the phone? <Zakim> On the phone I see DanC, AndyS_, JanneS, EliasT, Kendall_Clark, Souri, EnricoFranconi, EricP, SteveH (muted) <Zakim> EliasT has Elias, LeeF <JanneS> Looking for todo items @@ in http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/crq349 <JanneS> DanC: there are no process requirements for a minimum duration, rather just market acceptance with a reasonable time window such as 2 months <DanC> several advise in favor of 30 May 2006 <JanneS> Kendall: 2 months a reasonable minimum <JanneS> AndyS: we could look for implementations outside the WG members for more credibility <DanC> CR exit critera += XQuery F&O to PR <JanneS> DanC: there is risk that the XQuery dependency will delay our CR <JanneS> (this scribe should finish in 5 mins, if that's ok) <JanneS> DanC: @@ XML Query review comments: done <JanneS> DanC: @@ dependency on WSDL 2.0: Kendall coordinating <kendallclark> I will certainly know for sure before the drop-dead point. <JanneS> DanC: @@ no changes to protocol since Jan WD: confirmed <JanneS> Klyne's comment : http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2005Apr/0010.html <ericP> does it? cwm? <ericP> doing it by quads <EnricoFranconi> bye! <Zakim> -EnricoFranconi <kendallclark> we failed at any supererogation. big woop. <AndyS_> cwm stores "literal graphs" <SerT> got to leave... * SerT has quit IRC (Quit: SerT) * EnricoFranconi has quit IRC (Quit: EnricoFranconi) <DanC> "WG will enter the second phase in which it will write a formal specification and test cases for this language." <kendallclark> and "formal specification" is a bit vague <kendallclark> do we have any flowery language anywhere?! :> <SteveH> I still the the design in the spec. is bad <ericP> we don't have to worry about hayes's objection? <ericP> cool! <ericP> i think unicode prob is solved <ericP> he has no new info. all the old info on $ vs ? is still relevent <kendallclark> i've heard *no* complaints from actual implementers or sparql trainers on the ?/$ point. <kendallclark> harold's point notwithstanding <kendallclark> he's only claimed that he thinks this will confuse, not that it confuses. <DanC> WBS form http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35463/crq349/ <ericP> if steve has a formal objection to SPARQL Query, does he have a formal objection to going to CR? <JanneS> DanC: in CR WG is still formally obliged to respond to all comments <ericP> (danc) <DanC> PROPOSED: to advance SPARQL to CR as discussed in this meeting, contingent on successful outcomes of actions in this meeting. <DanC> responses to proposal to be gathered via http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35463/crq349/ <DanC> you'll get "please fill out the form" notice in email today. <SteveH> will fill in form <DanC> ACTION: Jeen to figure out whether he can become test case editor and report back by telecon on Mar 14 [DONE] * RRSAgent records action 23 <ericP> 2nd <JanneS> 2nded <DanC> ADJOURN.
Received on Tuesday, 21 March 2006 16:35:21 UTC