WD-rdf-sparql-query-20060220 is out; rdfSemantics follow-up

OK, this just in from the webmaster...

> Done the doc has been published on http://www.w3.org/TR/
> SPARQL Query Language for RDF
> W3C Working Draft 20 February 2006
> This version: http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-rdf-sparql-query-20060220/
> Latest version: http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/

So Pat, please respond to 
2005-09-08T01:26:59Z Peter F. Patel-Schneider
with reference to this 20060220 draft.

My tracking tools work much better if your reply has correct
threading headers; if you don't have his message in your mailboxes,
you can get that by bringing up Peter's message
in the HTTP archive and clicking the "reply" button.

Bonus points if you can satisfy Horrocks and ter Horst while you're at
it. see
2005-09-11T21:34:55Z Ian Horrocks

2005-10-28T11:45:37Z Herman ter Horst

I owe a message to chairs@w3.org inviting last call review from peer
WGs. I think the relevant ones are XQuery/XSL and SemWebBP.

Also, we should announce this LC draft to semantic-web@w3.org and the
Andy, EricP, you guys get 1st dibs. Pass or Play?

FYI, the changelog (http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#chlog )
shows that the "editorial tweaks elsewhere agreed by 2 of
{ericp, andys,danc}" turned out to be:

Revision 1.651  2006/02/21 19:45:10  eric
[editorial] linkchecker feedback

Revision 1.650  2006/02/21 18:35:03  aseaborne
Fix a broken links (defn_BGPequiv)

Revision 1.649  2006/02/21 18:32:33  aseaborne
Fix a broken links defn_BGPequiv

Revision 1.648  2006/02/21 18:23:32  aseaborne
Fix a broken links (defn_SPARQLQueryString, CVS email)

Revision 1.647  2006/02/21 18:01:01  aseaborne
Fix a broken link (rHEX)

Revision 1.646  2006/02/18 00:51:13  eric
~ s/type error/error/ per ACTION: EricP to fix /0 stuff in rq23

Revision 1.645  2006/02/17 23:13:35  connolly
truncated CVS log at fifth WD

Revision 1.644  2006/02/17 23:11:11  connolly
struck question about alternative design for datatype()
due to lack of feedback

Revision 1.643  2006/02/17 23:04:04  connolly
fix langMatches order of args and example, per
DB 5Jan

Revision 1.642  2006/02/17 21:56:56  connolly
deleted obsolete comment status info
removed RFC2119 reference and fixed conformance section
markup per BH's suggestions

Revision 1.641  2006/02/16 17:05:18  aseaborne
Fixed appendix titles : put in appendix D

Revision 1.640  2006/02/14 17:50:08  aseaborne

~ Removed "occurring in G" from defn text for Pattern Solution
~ Corrected defn of E-entailment regime

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/
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Received on Tuesday, 21 February 2006 21:42:21 UTC