Re: [Fwd: major technical: no subqueries]

Dan Connolly wrote:
> This seems like a reasonably coherent argument for a new requirement,
> complete with rationale and use case.
> If you support this requirement and would like to see us add it
> to the critical path, please say so.
> If not, please help me come up with justification that might
> satisfy the commentor.

The query :

SELECT ?name
WHERE { ?x foaf:givenName ?name .
        FILTER ( ! ( ASK ?date WHERE { ?x dc:date ?date } ) ) }

is very much like:

SELECT ?name
WHERE { ?x foaf:givenName ?name .
        UNSAID { ?x dc:date ?date }

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Received on Friday, 13 January 2006 20:37:39 UTC