Re: comment on A.7 "Grammar" (punctuationSyntax)

On Jun 11, 2006, at 2:40 PM, Dan Connolly wrote:

> While these changes aren't huge, they are substantive in that they
> require people to change their code. So another last call will
> be in order. Say 3 to 4 to 6 weeks. Then (presuming the XQuery
> dependency and such are satisfied...) we should have enough materials
> for a successful request for PR; I don't
> think we need another CR for things like where the commas go.
> That's my suggestion. I wonder if it makes sense to anybody else...
> Kendall?

Hmm, sorry to have missed this thread first time-around...

Yeah, that does make sense. I *guess* there may be other changes of  
that same magnitude (not trivial, but not earth-shaking) that may  
happen still... There are several substantive outstanding comments  
still unaddressed, including a lot of pending comments from Oracle.

I'm not assuming that *no* changes will result from any of that. The  
stuff about formal semantics especially seems problematic in that  

As for the process you outline, I think it sounds reasonable, though  
obviously I'm still pretty weak re: W3C process details.

> I'm also inclined to add the commas in the SELECT syntax.
> I personally type it that way all the time. That in itself
> isn't new information... I'm not sure if the future consideration
> of expressions in select is new information or not... but
> then there's the addition of ORDER BY to the language... none
> of those by themselves was enough to get us to reconsider, but
> putting them altogether looks like a pretty good case, to me.

I agree, both about the cumulative effect, and about the way I type  
it when I write queries like that.


Received on Sunday, 18 June 2006 20:21:21 UTC