comment on CR 10.1 "solution sequences and result forms"

10.1 Solution sequences and result forms
The proposed order for processing LIMIT and OFFSET seems
counterintuitive.  Suppose the solution sequence has solutions
(S1, S2, ..., S9).  Suppose the user asks for LIMIT 3 and OFFSET 4.
With the current rules, LIMIT 3 will truncate the solution
sequence to (S1, S2, S3) and then the offset is greater than the
number of solutions so the final result is empty.  Instead,
in this scenario, I think the user expects to get (S5, S6, S7).
Thus the offset should be applied first, reducing the solution
sequence to (S5, S6, ..., S9), and then the LIMIT should be
applied.  From this standpoint, the BNF for SolutionModifier
should be rearranged to put OffsetClause ahead of LimitClause.


Received on Tuesday, 6 June 2006 22:04:09 UTC