rdfSemantics null hypothesis: punt/postpone

As for all issues, one option for the rdfSemantics issue
is to postpone it.

I think the fact that the LC design requires redundant
answers in some cases is unfortunate, but it has the
virtue of an existing spec and multiple interoperating

I was going to say that we have a spec, tests and
implementations, but I'm not at all sure that our test
harness captures this aspect of the design; I think
our tests would say that a minimal answer passes,
since the test harness is based on graph matching,
and a lean graph matches a redundant graph.

I expect that a proposal to postpone this issue will
meet with some objections, so any proposal that gets
a critical mass with no objections is preferred by W3C

Meanwhile, I'm trying to keep track of who would
support postponing and who would object. While you
are under almost no obligation, I would
appreciate it if you would "tip your hand" and
disclose your position before tomorrow's teleconference.

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/
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Received on Monday, 3 October 2005 16:46:28 UTC