Re: more tidying references: RDF Schema?

Dan Connolly wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 13:35 +0100, Seaborne, Andy wrote:
>>Dan Connolly wrote:
> [...]
>>>        link is neither local, part, informative, nor normative:
>>>        [<>]
>>>        ""
>>>        link is neither local, part, informative, nor normative:
>>>        [<>]
>>>        ""
>>>I don't understand why there are links to rdf-schema.
>>I can explain the schema links: they are links for constants used in SPARQL. 
>>rdf:nil and rdf:type.
>>RDF Collections are in rdf:nil is in RDF schema and SPARQL has list syntax to 
>>agree with that and mentions rdf:nil (i.e the rdf collection "()")
>>Similarly for "a" - rq23 says it stands for rdf:type and links to that URI.
>>So a RDF schema link should be normative (or remove the links and leave the 
>>bytes for the URI not in a <a> but that woudl be shame).
> Though rdf:nil and rdf:type are discussed in the RDF Schema spec,
> they're also discussed, fairly definitively, in [RDF-MT], and
> we already have a normative reference there. I don't like giving
> the impression that SPARQL depends on RDF Schema.
> For rdf:nil, let's use 3.3.3 RDF collections
> and for rdf:type, let's use 3.1 RDF Interpretations

Agreed - I'll make that change in my next pass.  Where the URI is excplitly in 
the text I will not put a link (its' into the middle of 
1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#) and link as you suggest.



Received on Monday, 25 July 2005 14:07:56 UTC