Re: punctuationSyntax

Dave Beckett wrote:
> On this issue sticking with solely the turtle subset of n3 is my preference.
> The reason I proposed moving to turtle was that the query language matched
> the rdf graph syntax such as used in CONSTRUCT, and in the data files we
> already use.
> So here are some test cases I would expect to work for those things:
> Testing RDF data in turtle works as a query
>   1. Take any turtle document foo.ttl any paste the content into @HERE@ in a
>   sparql query:
>     SELECT * WHERE {  @HERE@ }
>   2. Run it against the Turtle document foo.ttl
>   3. You should get 1 match with no bindings.
> Testing RDF data in turtle works as a construct
>   1. Take any turtle document foo.ttl any paste the content into @HERE@ in a
>   sparql query:
>     CONSTRUCT { @HERE@ } WHERE { ?x ?y ?z }
>   2. Run it against the Turtle document:
>     @prefix ex: <>
>     ex:a :ex:b ex:c .
>   3. You should get the same graph as foo.ttl out
> (it might be you don't need the WHERE clause)
> These are of course, untested ;)

Could they be added to the test suite? Please? :-)  They'd be a good start for a 
Construct/ directory of basic construct things.


> As a particular criticism, I don't like the << ... >> reification syntax,
> it has never been asked for as an addition to Turtle (a few years experience)
> and I don't need it for any of my applications.
> Dave

Received on Monday, 11 April 2005 12:54:30 UTC