
On this issue sticking with solely the turtle subset of n3 is my preference.

The reason I proposed moving to turtle was that the query language matched
the rdf graph syntax such as used in CONSTRUCT, and in the data files we
already use.

So here are some test cases I would expect to work for those things:

Testing RDF data in turtle works as a query
  1. Take any turtle document foo.ttl any paste the content into @HERE@ in a
  sparql query:
    SELECT * WHERE {  @HERE@ }

  2. Run it against the Turtle document foo.ttl
  3. You should get 1 match with no bindings.

Testing RDF data in turtle works as a construct
  1. Take any turtle document foo.ttl any paste the content into @HERE@ in a
  sparql query:
    CONSTRUCT { @HERE@ } WHERE { ?x ?y ?z }

  2. Run it against the Turtle document:
    @prefix ex: <http://example.org/>
    ex:a :ex:b ex:c .

  3. You should get the same graph as foo.ttl out
(it might be you don't need the WHERE clause)

These are of course, untested ;)

As a particular criticism, I don't like the << ... >> reification syntax,
it has never been asked for as an addition to Turtle (a few years experience)
and I don't need it for any of my applications.


Received on Thursday, 7 April 2005 15:44:41 UTC