protocol draft available

Les Chiens,

I'm relieved (!) to say that I've finally got a protocol draft that
I'm willing to publicly share, in the event anyone's still
interested. You can find it at

but that should be considered a temporary location, I suspect.

If the primary consideration was that it fit on one sheet of paper,
then either I was the wrong person to work on this or it's just more
complex than that. Or both. :>

I worked really hard to describe an abstract protocol that could be
realized in the Unix command-line environment, SOAP, HTTP, BEEP, and
other diverse environments, and that took a great deal of time. I
biased that abstract description in favor of HTTP, when things were
otherwise tricky, but I hope not too much.

It probably doesn't need to be said, but this is a draft, it's full of
warts, bugs, and outright errors. I will continue to work on it pretty
much all the time, which means now that I'm sharing it, I'll add some
date/time/RCS-markers, so that changes are easier to detect.

I hope that it helps, at the very least, focus our discussion and move
us toward CR status with all deliberate speed.

Kendall Clark
Sometimes it's appropriate, even patriotic, to be ashamed of your
country. -- James Howard Kunstler

Received on Tuesday, 9 November 2004 14:18:10 UTC