Re: on code names, group ownership, and boundaries

On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 02:00, Patrick Stickler wrote:
> 1. I'm taking this as a request for those of us who have submitted
>     use cases to propose new, mnemmonic names for them. Yes?

Well, no, don't double the traffic just to eliminate the initials.

But please don't rely on the XX-23 names. If you use them,
include a few other subject words too. i.e. don't just say
AS-1. Say: find stuff about John Smith (AFS-1).

> 2. At what point will we begin to gather these use cases in a
>     public document, similar to the RDF Core issues list? So that
>     refs and concensus can be thus focused.

When we've got at least 2 or 3 that pretty much everybody likes.
Right now, we have about 72 proposals with varying level of
endorsement and criticism. We looked at a handful in the
telcon and assigned actions; I'd like to see discussion
of those cases mature.

Anybody is welcome to try to do some gathering, but at this
early point, there's no guarantee that it'll become the
basis of the group's work going forward.

A recommendation to anybody who tries it: don't try to
be exhuastive. Pick a few good ones, not all of the
ones that have been proposed.

Dan Connolly, W3C
see you at the WWW2004 in NY 17-22 May?

Received on Friday, 19 March 2004 09:32:22 UTC