JS-2: implicit inclusion of annotations

== Task & Roles

A client software wishes to connect to server software
to retrieve RDF via a query. The client wishes to render
the query result for the user using XSLT. The XSL
transformation should be self-sufficient i.e. no more
queries are needed from the XSL itself to render
human readable strings.

== Description

A client requests for music:genre property value
from a server. Here, the music:genre value will be a
resource type of object.

The client uses XSLT to transform the query result
into XHTML. For a Finnish user, an object value
'http://music.org/genres/Classical' should be rendered as
string 'Klassinen musiikki' and for English speaking
users as 'Classic music'. In addition, the property
'music:genre' should be rendered as 'tyylilaji' for
Finnish users and as 'genre' for English speaking users.

These strings might be available via schema annotations
using primitives such as  rdfs:label or rdfs:comment.

Instead of making a complex query (at the end of the
day) which returns rdfs:label and rdfs:comment for
the resource values and for properties, a syntactic
sugar would be useful to make the annotations available
for all of them in the query result.

Janne Saarela <janne.saarela@profium.com>
Profium, Lars Sonckin kaari 12, 02600 Espoo, Finland
Tel. +358 (0)9 855 98 000 Fax. +358 (0)9 855 98 002
Mob. +358 (0)40 508 4767  Internet: http://www.profium.com

Received on Thursday, 11 March 2004 15:38:31 UTC