Re: requirement: multigraph query

Kendall Clark wrote:

>On Thu, May 06, 2004 at 06:36:57PM -0400, Farrukh Najmi wrote:
>>Kendall Clark wrote:
>>>Consider a TriX file that contains a graphset which contains multiple
>>>graph serializations. I'd like to be able to query *some* of them (say
>>>the ones that hold metadata about the other graphs, or the ones that
>>>are from Joe, not Lisa, etc) rather than all or none of them.
>>Apologies for the misunderstanding.
>>I now understand the distinction and retract my concern.
>How utterly decent of you. Thanks for saying so publicly.
<blush> Why thank you Kendall for the public appreciation. </blush>

>FWIW, I'm v. interested in yr stuff about using ebXML respositories as
>CMSes -- I edited and pub'd a report about XML Europe yesterday on
> in which the author talked about yr presentation.
>If you have a PDF or slides of yr talk online some place, I'd love to
>know where.
Thank you for your interest in the ebXML Registry work.
I would like nothing better than to be able to see it aligned with the 
QL from DAWG
when the dust settles. I realize I have much to learn about RDF and RDF 
Query Language
requirements before being very useful in DAWG.

Here are some ebXML Registry Links. [3] is the paper and slides you 
refered to.

I look forward to any comments or questions
offline (or online if it may be relevant to DAWG).

[1] OASIS ebXML Registry Specifications

[2] freebXML Registry a Royalty Free Implementation of ebXML Registry 

[3] Web Content Management Using ebXML Registry (Paper for XML 2004) 
(Open Office) 
(Accompanying paper)

[4] Semantic Content Management SC (work-in-progress)

BTW I saw a great presentation at recent OASIS Symposium by
Dr. Peter Elkin of Mayo Clinic on managing Medical Vocabularies using 
OWL Ontologies and ebXML Registry.
I am still looking to get a link to that.


Received on Thursday, 6 May 2004 19:05:40 UTC