Resend: request for review: application/sparql-results+json

I didn't see this come through, possibly because I sent it

Hi all, at W3C, we try to request a media type when a document reaches
candidate recommendation. In this case, we missed my a mere three years.
<> accurately
documents our good intentions...

Type name:
Subtype name:
Required parameters:
Optional parameters:
Encoding considerations:
    The encoding considerations of the SPARQL Query Results JSON Format is identical to those of the "application/json" as specified in [JSON-RFC].
Security considerations:
    SPARQL query results uses URIs. See Section 7 of [RFC3986].
    SPARQL query results uses IRIs. See Section 8 of [RFC3987].
    The security considerations of the SPARQL Query Results JSON Format is identical to those of the "application/json" as specified in [JSON-RFC].
Interoperability considerations:
    There are no known interoperability issues.
Published specification:
Applications which use this media type:
    No known applications currently use this media type.
Additional information:
Magic number(s):
File extension(s):
Macintosh file type code(s):
Person & email address to contact for further information:
    Andy Seaborne <>
Intended usage:
Restrictions on usage:
Author/Change controller:
    The SPARQL specification is a work product of the World Wide Web Consortium's SPARQL Working Group. The W3C has change control over these specifications.


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Received on Wednesday, 29 June 2016 07:18:34 UTC