A question about Filter Function Expression

    I want to be sure that , according to SPARQL 1.1 specificition, (do not consider the implementations ), this query SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o  filter(isBlank(?s)) filter(str(?s) = 'nodeID://b10001') } limit 10  must return empty solution(Because the domain of function STR do not contain BlankNode)? And for more examples if filter condition is  Regex(?x, '^a'); and if the mapping solution of ?x must be a Literal or it can be a BlankNode or URI?
    Wish your reply!
    Your Sincerely
    Xingwang Han

Hi there,

 If you ask for JSON or XML results, you'll see that ?s is returned as a bnode so some of this is the presentation of bNodes in the HTML.
 (The TSV format is broken.)

 Implementations may add something in any place where the signature does not cover the case, here, STR on a blank node.  It means that a filter may pass more solutions than the basic standard, but not less (well, that was the design in SPARQL 1.0 - it's not so simple in SPARQL 1.1).

 Your question is specific to the engine implementation at http://lod.openlinksw.com/sparql
 so you might get a more detailed answer there or in its documentation.


 On 19/12/15 16:49,  wrote:

Hi, All :
     Now, I have a question. Can you help me?

     In sparql 1.1 I find the definition of function str() is that: str     simple literal  STR (literal ltrl)
     simple literal  STR (IRI rsrc)
     But when I search the query  SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o  filter(isBlank(?s)) filter(str(?s) = 'nodeID://b10001') } limit 10 ,
     I think if isBlank(?s) is true, then function str(?s) will not be executed. Because the domin of str do not contain Blank node.
     I think I will got the empty solution. But when I search this query on the endpoint of LOD Cloud Cache  on the web site http://lod.openlinksw.com/sparql/,
     I got the result like the following:
      s p onodeID://b10001 http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#ClassnodeID://b10001 http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#complementOf http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Nothing

    I fell it is odd, and I want to know why it is so!
     Thank you very much.
     Your Best Xingwang
     Wish your reply.

Received on Sunday, 20 December 2015 14:12:35 UTC