Re: Comment: don't use ? and $. Pick one. [OK?]

Pat Hayes wrote:
>> On Sun, 2006-03-05 at 18:56 -0500, Elliotte Harold wrote:
>>>  If there's a justification for using both $ and ? to represent
>>>  variables, I haven't found it yet.
>> The WG made that choice in the course of resolving the
>> punctuationSyntax issue.

I may not be following the right link, but I don't see the connection. 
Is there a reference in the archives other than the below?

>> A number of design considerations were laid out in:
>> Draft: open issues around '?' use.

I think this makes some good arguments for using a $ instead of a ?. 
However it doesn't convince me that using both is a good idea. Why are 
two characters considered necessary here? Why not just pick the $ and be 
done with it?

> Just a quick clarification: it does not reserve two characters, which is 
> one of its strengths. If you have a variable name beginning with '?', 
> then prefix it with '$', and vice versa. XML uses a similar trick with 
> the single and double quote option, which allows quoted strings 
> containing either single or double quote characters (but not both).

I tend to think of the distinction between ' and " as one bit of syntax 
sugar XML could do without. Historically, it was probably necessary 
because HTML already allowed it. However, it certainly made the 
proverbial DPH's job harder.

Elliotte Rusty Harold
XML in a Nutshell 3rd Edition Just Published!

Received on Monday, 6 March 2006 11:37:59 UTC