Accessing Graph Names

I have a remark concerning the GRAPH statement when there is another 
GRAPH  within its scope. For example :

PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?src ?bobNick
     GRAPH ?src
     { ?x foaf:mbox <mailto:bob@work.example> .
       GRAPH ?src2 {
         ?x foaf:nick ?bobNick

One may understand that the internal GRAPH ?src2 can match any named 
graph, possibly different from the one that is matched by the outer 
GRAPH ?src.
If this is the case, the text in section 8.1 Accessing Graph Labels
at is ambiguous :

"The pattern part of the GRAPH only matched triples in a single named 
graph ..."

The 8.5 Definition for GRAPH is also ambiguous for the same reason.

Best regards,

Olivier Corby

Received on Wednesday, 8 June 2005 06:55:49 UTC