Re: trailing dot in grammar rule for decimals [OK?]

Benjamin Nowack wrote:
> Hi,
> if I understand the current grammar entry 74 for decimals
> correctly, then a trailing dot is allowed. In this case,
> (and together with the optional dot in the final triple
> of a graph pattern,) the 1000 in {?foo ?bar 1000.} could be
> an integer or a decimal, and I'm not 100% sure which literal
> ("1000" or "1000.0") to generate during the parsing process.
> Not allowing the trailing dot would make parsing numeric
> literals a little bit simpler.

The longest match applies - it's a decimal, matching the longest decimal 
string.  This is compatible with typical lexers.

I've added:

When choosing a rule to match, the longest match is choosen.

Practically, DECIMAL can be implemented as a lexer token.  This is what is 
done for all the parsers generated by yacker (C, C++, Perl, Python):

There is also a JavaCC grammar (which is used to generate the EBNF):*checkout*/jena/ARQ/Grammar/sparql.jj

> (I've checked the turtle and the n3 grammars, n3 does not
> allow the trailing dot, turtle however seems to allow it.)

(but in Turtle it is an xsd:double.  This may well change - under discussion.)

In XPath 2.0,

[72] DecimalLiteral ::= ("." Digits) | (Digits "." [0-9]*)

so a trailing dot is allowed.

> Or am I misreading the grammar rules?
> regards,
> benjamin
> --
> Benjamin Nowack
> Kruppstr. 100
> 45145 Essen, Germany

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Received on Tuesday, 13 December 2005 18:13:30 UTC