- From: Sandro Hawke <sandro@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 23:14:10 -0400
- To: Jeremy J Carroll <jjc@syapse.com>
- CC: "public-rdf-comments@w3.org Comments" <public-rdf-comments@w3.org>
Received on Thursday, 12 September 2013 03:14:17 UTC
On 09/11/2013 06:21 PM, Jeremy J Carroll wrote: > > This section defines a vocabulary item rdf:Graph in addition to those > in [RDF-SCHEMA]. > This is the class of resources that are RDF graphs. If a resource in > this class is identified by an IRI, and that IRI is used to name a > graph in a dataset, then within that dataset the resource SHOULD > correspond to the named graph. Does it not follow from this definition that: PREFIX : <http://example.org/#> PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> :g1 :p 1. :g1 a rdf:Graph. :g2 a rdf:Graph. GRAPH :g1 { :a :b :c } GRAPH :g2 { :a :b :c } entails: :g2 :p 1. (assuming the "SHOULD" is taken as something we can count on) ? I think you actually want the class of gboxes, not gsnaps (aka "RDF Graphs" according to the specs), for your use case, since I don't think you want/believe this entailment. That is, you want :g1 and :g2 to denote containers or slots or mutable locations for triples, not the actually mathematical sets of those triples (which are the same, meaning I(:g1)=I(:g2), and thus all properties are the same). -- Sandro
Received on Thursday, 12 September 2013 03:14:17 UTC