[RESOLVED] Re: Please add conformance tests for Turtle CR

On Jul 3, 2013, at 8:37 AM, Eric Prud'hommeaux <eric@w3.org> wrote:

> * Dave Beckett <dave@dajobe.org> [2013-02-19 22:39-0800]
>> Those files seem to be partially ASF licensed e.g.
>> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/file/4d5ebf0ba10f/rdf-turtle/tests-ttl/manifest.ttl
>> which is possibly a mistake.  Should be W3C software I guess
>> although I'd have thought it would just be regular W3C copyright.
>> The LICENSE also mis-spells Turtle :)
>> I guess if this email is considered another comment that the WG wants to
>> respond to, my request is to license this in a way that's easy for all
>> software to include this test suite.  ASF is just one track.
> <http://www.w3.org/2013/TurtleTests/LICENSE> releases the tests under
> W3C Test Suite License and W3C 3-clause BSD License. The LICENSE is
> distribute in the tarball and zip file.
> If this resolution addresses your issue, please respond to this
> message with a subject line which starts with "[RESOLVED]". Thank you
> for your help in improving the Turtle specification.
>> Thanks
>> Dave
>> On 2/19/13 7:56 PM, Peter Ansell wrote:
>>> Hi Dave,
>>> For reference, when I updated the Sesame parser to the previous draft
>>> (not 20130219), I used the tests from:
>>> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/file/4d5ebf0ba10f/rdf-turtle/tests-ttl
>>> These are different to the tests from the original submission which are now at:
>>> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/file/4d5ebf0ba10f/rdf-turtle/tests-submission
>>> Cheers,
>>> Peter
>>> On 20 February 2013 13:49, Dave Beckett <dave@dajobe.org> wrote:
>>>> Re: http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/CR-turtle-20130219/#conformance
>>>> The conformance tests have been removed compared to the submission doc.  As
>>>> an implementer, I found that very useful to develop and machine check
>>>> correctness.
>>>> I would request that the tests for conformance be restored and updated to
>>>> match the changes in this turtle language over the 2008 version.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Dave
> -- 
> -ericP

Received on Wednesday, 3 July 2013 16:07:54 UTC