ISSUE-44 (duplicate quads): Duplicate quads generated by TriplesMaps [R2RML]

ISSUE-44 (duplicate quads): Duplicate quads generated by TriplesMaps [R2RML]

Raised by: David McNeil
On product: R2RML

As far as I can see the R2RML spec does not describe the proper behavior in the case where TriplesMaps produce identical quads. I think a couple of sentences should be added to the spec to specifically say what should happen in this case.

My understanding of the correct behavior is:
 * R2RML maps are to produce SPARQL RDF datasets.
 * SPARQL RDF datasets contain a collection of RDF graphs (many named and one default).
 * RDF graphs are sets of triples.
 * As "sets", RDF graphs do not contain duplicate triples.
 * Therefore SPARQL RDF datasets do not contain duplicate quads.
 * Therefore R2RML maps should not produce duplicate quads.

In particular looking forward to SPARQL 1.1 aggregates I believe this is important to specify.

Note, SPARQL queries run against the quads produced by an R2RML map can produce duplicate tuples.

Received on Tuesday, 31 May 2011 15:54:07 UTC