Re: ACTION-122: Proposal for ISSUE-18

On May 4, 2011, at 15:34 , Souripriya Das wrote:

> I too like Alexander's proposal. Abstracting the details of, what we call a rowsource, away from TriplesMap seems nice.
> Maybe we need to change the names a bit. Specifically, while "relation" is a well-understood term in relational algebra, its use causes some confusion with relationship (or predicates) in RDF.

Being the archetype of an RDF savy person who has no experience/knowledge in relational algebra, I fully agree:-) It took me a while to understand the proposal due to this misunderstanding!


> So, instead of "relation", we could use "rowSource" as the theme term. For example, instead of rr:relation we could use rr:rowSource as the property name whose value identifies the source for the rows that a TriplesMap is trying to map to RDF triples.
> Using this new naming in Alex's example:
> <TriplesMap1>
> 	a rr:TriplesMapClass;
> 	rr:rowSource<MyTable>;
> 	...
> <TriplesMap2>
> 	a rr:TriplesMapClass;
> 	rr:rowSource<GetFailStudents>;
> 	...
> <TriplesMap3>
> 	a rr:TriplesMapClass;
> 	rr: rowSource<GetFailStudents>;
> 	...
> <MyTable>
> 	a  rr:ReferencableRowSourceClass;
> 	rr:tableName "my_table";
> 	rr:tableOwner "my_schema".
> <GetFailStudents>
> 	a  rr:QueryResultRowSourceClass;
> 	rr:SQLQuery "SELECT id, name FROM my_schema.students WHERE grade<  50".
> Thanks,
> - Souri.

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153
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Received on Wednesday, 4 May 2011 13:53:56 UTC