Diff of post-LC R2RML changes

As requested by David:

Against my expectations, this is actually somewhat informative, and beats reading two printouts side-by-side.

This includes the ISSUE-75 resolution. Please give me a shout if you'd like me to update this in the future.


For the record, here's how this is produced. This needs a Unix shell and read access to the CVS – which actually only the editors have AFAIK. Sorry! Wish we were using hg instead of cvs.

First, download htmldiff, a little Python script that can diff HTML files, and put it on the path. You may have to mess around with python packages to install difflib before it runs:

Second, look at the CVS history in the editor's draft to figure out when LC was committed. This appears to be r 1.160:


   cd r2rml

   # Change R2RML spec to revision 1.160
   cvs up -r 1.160 Overview.html

   # Make a copy of that version
   cp Overview.html Overview.html.1.160

   # Restore latest version
   cvs up -A Overview.html

   # Make an HTML diff
   htmldiff Overview.html.1.160 Overview.html > diffs/1.160-1.180.html

The other useful thing that Eric mentioned was:

   cvs annotate Overview.html

This produces a line-by-line breakdown that shows what was committed when and by whom. This is also known, for obvious reasons, as “cvs blame”.


Received on Tuesday, 13 December 2011 19:07:17 UTC