Re: R2RML naming suggestion - SQRL?

On 9/14/2010 7:34 AM, Harry Halpin wrote:
> OK, not to distract the Working Group with a somewhat light-hearted
> decision, but perhaps we should also come to consensus on what precisely
> to call the language before we release the FPWD.
> R2RML (Relational 2 RDF) sounds good to me. It's a solid, honest working
> name that does what it says.
> However, if we wish to continue the time-honored Semantic Web tradition of
> having catchy names, we could call the language SQRL (squirrel), i.e. SQL
> to RDF Language. A quick google search shows that this particular acronym
> is not completly colonized by some other standard or product. The main
> drawback of this name is that it may be too cute to be taken seriously.

I think it's clever, but even though it ends in "RL" rather than "QL", 
it makes my mind assume it's a query language... which it's not.

Similarly, I'd (for better or for worse) expect R2RML to be an XML 
language, so I wouldn't like that name if we don't go with an XML syntax.

And no, I don't have a suggestion of my own :(


> Anyways, food for thought. I'm happy with either name, or *any* name for
> that matter.
>            cheers,
>                 harry

Received on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 14:48:25 UTC