Re: Question on Use Cases & Requirements for Mapping Relational Databases to RDF

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Freddy Priyatna <> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I've just read the document "Use Cases & Requirements for Mapping
> Relational Databases to RDF". There is a question I would like to ask
> regarding the figure on page 4.
> The figure depicts that the SPARQL is posed on the RDF graph generated by
> RDB2RDF. The impression I got is, the RDF graph has to be generated first as
> a result of RDB2RDF before we can pose the SPARQL query. However, there is a
> possibility that the RDF graph is the result of RDB2RDF + SPARQL. Is this
> accommodated in the requirement?
> I am missing something here? Sorry if this issue has been discussed before.

The requirement SQLGEN

is intended to stipulate that the mapping language enable the
translation of SPARQL queries to SQL. Following 2.1.1 "Queries Over
the RDF Graph", we commented out a section, meant to illustrate a
transformation to SQL:
<!-- div3 id="RDF_Graphs_as_Non-materialized_Views">

* RDF Graphs as Non-materialized Views *

The RDF graphs defined by a mapping over a relational database need
not be materialised. Indeed, queries or inference may be expressed in
terms of a notional representation of relational data, but executed
over the original relational store. Executing the following SQL query
over any data in the relational tables should give results identical
to a SPARQL query over the RDF graph mapped from that relational data:

SELECT R_patient.ID AS patient, R_patient.DateOfBirth AS dob, R__0_sexEntry.EntryName AS sex
  FROM Person AS R_patient
       INNER JOIN Sex_DE AS R_sexEntry
       INNER JOIN Item_Medication AS R_indicItem
       INNER JOIN Medication AS R_indicMed
       INNER JOIN Medication_DE AS R_indicDE
       INNER JOIN NDCcodes AS R_indicCode
       SELECT 6 AS _DISJOINT_, R_disqualMed.MedDictDE AS disqualDE, 
              R_disqualItem.PerformedDTTM AS disqualDate, R_disqualItem.ID AS disqualItem, 
              R_disqualMed.ID AS disqualMed, R_disqualDE.NDC AS disqualNDC, 
              R_disqualItem.PatientID AS patient, R_disqualItem.EntryName AS takes
         FROM Item_Medication AS R_disqualItem
              INNER JOIN Medication AS R_disqualMed
              INNER JOIN Medication_DE AS R_disqualDE
              INNER JOIN NDCcodes AS R_disqualCode
        WHERE (R_disqualCode.NDC=R_disqualDE.NDC)
          AND (R_disqualCode.ingredient=11289)
          AND (R_disqualDE.ID=R_disqualMed.MedDictDE)
          AND (R_disqualItem.EntryName IS NOT NULL)
          AND (R_disqualItem.PatientID IS NOT NULL)
          AND (R_disqualItem.PerformedDTTM IS NOT NULL)
          AND (R_disqualMed.ID IS NOT NULL)
          AND (R_disqualMed.ItemID=R_disqualItem.ID)
                  ) AS G_opt6 ON (G_opt6.patient=R_patient.ID)
   AND (G_opt6.takes=R_indicItem.EntryName)
 WHERE (R_indicCode.NDC=R_indicDE.NDC)
   AND (R_indicCode.ingredient=6809)
   AND (R_indicDE.ID=R_indicMed.MedDictDE)
   AND (R_indicItem.EntryName IS NOT NULL)
   AND (R_indicItem.PatientID=R_patient.ID)
   AND (R_indicItem.PerformedDTTM IS NOT NULL)
   AND (R_indicMed.ID IS NOT NULL)
   AND (R_indicMed.ItemID=R_indicItem.ID)
   AND (R_patient.DateOfBirth IS NOT NULL)
   AND (R_patient.MiddleName IS NOT NULL)
   AND (R_sexEntry.EntryName IS NOT NULL)
   AND (R_sexEntry.ID=R_patient.SexDE);

This query is not a normative representation of the earlier SPARQL
query; it is included here only to illustrate the ability of R2RML
tools to produce efficient SQL queries.
				</div3 -->

This section can be uncommented if it would help the use cases

I believe the majority of the implementations that are informing this
work translate SPARQL queries over this virtual RDF graph to SQL
queries over the native store, so this is certainly a priority for us.

> Regards
> Freddy

Received on Friday, 18 June 2010 14:42:39 UTC