Re: The Role of the Ontology

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 2:27 AM, Juan Sequeda <> wrote:
> The issue of the ontology has never been discussed and I think this is
> tremendously important!
> When we are mapping our RDB to RDF, are we considering an
> existing domain ontology (FOAF, SIOC, etc)
> a putative ontology (automatically generating the ontology from the
> schema/DDL)
> a federated ontology: combining different ontologies

I've added
This graph can be used when it is desired to let the database
structure determine the effective ontology of the RDF view.
to <> and
It is good Semantic Web practice to use shared ontologies. Using
popular ontologies, or even ontologies which represent information in
multiple domain databases, usually requires transformations
[GraphTransform] to the direct graph.
to <>.

I've also added an extensive editorial note outlining the requirement
space implied by the later "requirement":
There are many types of graph transformation, representable by SQL
views, SPARQL CONSTRUCTs, Horn logic, etc. The RDB2RDF workiing group
would like feedback to decide if, for instance, the transformation
expressed by RIF Basic Logic Dialect are appropriate. Use case
contributions to this document will help determine the exact
expressivity required.

> I'm sure that we don't need to go into deep detail for the use cases, but
> I'm sure that this topic needs to be present.
> Juan Sequeda
> +1-575-SEQ-UEDA

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Received on Friday, 23 April 2010 12:46:59 UTC