[XQuery full text] i18n core comment: language matching in XPath/XQuery

Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 1
At http://www.w3.org/International/reviews/0706-xquery-fulltext/
Editorial/substantive: S
Location in reviewed document:
language matching in XPath/XQuery

Section 3.3.6 defines a language option and is used to select language-specific behaviors, such as selecting stop word lists. We believe that implementations should be advised to implement one of the matching schemes defined in BCP 47 (in RFC 4647) when selecting content or behavior. That\'s because the specific language requested may not be available.

We suggest the following wording:

The language option specified might not exactly match the available language resources. An implementation MAY use language tag matching (such as one of the algorithms defined in [BCP 47, currently \"Part II, RFC 4647\"]) to determine the best available match. Matching and defaulting behavior are implementation defined. 

Received on Friday, 22 June 2007 12:51:34 UTC