[Bug 3067] [XSLT 2.0] Error XTDE1450


------- Comment #1 from mike@saxonica.com  2006-04-19 18:32 -------
Following discussion in an XSL WG telcon, it emerged that we need to
distinsguish two cases: (a) use of undefined XSLT instructions in forwards
compatible mode, and (b) use of unrecognized extension instructions. In case
(a) we want this to be a static error unless xsl:fallback is defined. In case
(b) we want this to be a dynamic error that happens only if the extension
instruction is actually evaluated (and there is no fallback).

If this is what we want, then section 3.9 is OK, but we need to change section
18.2.3 (Fallback):

* move the error condition to the end

* make it clear that it applies only to the "extension instruction" case

* cross-refer to section 3.9 for handling of the "new XSLT instruction" case

Received on Wednesday, 19 April 2006 18:32:35 UTC