from June 2005 by subject

[Bug 1222] Serialization - Extensibility

[Bug 1231] [DM] Pattern facet for ordered durations can and should be simplified

[Bug 1232] [XPath] schema-element() and nillable

[Bug 1234] [DM] Typed Value and String Value of QName-valued parentless attributes

[Bug 1235] [XSLT] Namespace fixup for QName-valued content is unduly onerous

[Bug 1244] [XSLT 2.0] question about result-document/@href

[Bug 1246] Appendix G lists error err:XPTY0006 as unused

[Bug 1247] fn:id uses error err:XPTY0004 but it should use err:XPTY0006

[Bug 1259] [DM] Typed value and xsi:nil

[Bug 1273] [XPath] Binding for xml: in static/dynamic contexts

[Bug 1278] [XQuery] Atomic Values to be returned in XPath steps

[Bug 1283] [XSLT/XQuery] Needless difference between XSLT and XQuery in base URI handling

[Bug 1284] use of xsl:type in XqueryX instances

[Bug 1285] XSLT1 stylesheet

[Bug 1286] Qname type in XQueryX and Schema

[Bug 1290] infixOp

[Bug 1293] [DM] Editorial comments from XML Core WG

[Bug 1294] [DM] (from XML Core WG) Possible type name conflict

[Bug 1295] [DM] (from XML Core WG) Relation of DM types to Schema types

[Bug 1297] [DM] (from XML Core WG) Parent property

[Bug 1298] [DM] (from XML Core WG) Types derived from xs:ID

[Bug 1299] [DM] (from XML Core WG) Prefix unavailable

[Bug 1300] [DM] (from XML Core WG) PI target

[Bug 1301] [DM] (from XML Core WG) PI or comment as root

[Bug 1302] [DM] (from XML Core WG) Text node merging

[Bug 1303] [DM] (from XML Core WG) Whitespace stripping

[Bug 1305] XQueryX and namespaces

[Bug 1306] Construction mode preserve with copy-namespaces no-preserve

[Bug 1307] [XQuery] Line Endings

[Bug 1309] white space in the DM

[Bug 1315] Typed value property of an element node

[Bug 1333] Reference on IRI instead of URI

[Bug 1334] no implicit conversion between time zones

[Bug 1335] have a section on various notions of normalization

[Bug 1339] accessors of the data model sometimes should rely on IRI

[Bug 1340] determing the value of character encoding scheme during serialization

[Bug 1341] namespace-bindings and namespace nodes in terms of IRI

[Bug 1342] please no example for default values with currencies

[Bug 1343] change regular expression for data type monetaryAmount

[Bug 1344] make prohibited characters explizit

[Bug 1345] Please add RFC 3023 in the reference section

[Bug 1350] please change URILiteral to IRILiteral

[Bug 1352] update table which refers to the serialization spec

[Bug 1354] General: Please refer to IRI instead of URI

[Bug 1357] please assure the availability of tests forsurrogate pairs/codepoints above #xFFFF.

[Bug 1360] assure normalization sensitivity for operations like e.g. concat and join

[Bug 1365] a mechanism for replacing character strings with markup would be useful

[Bug 1373] [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1 EBNF (productions)

[Bug 1376] [XQuery] some editorial comments on A.1.1 grammar-note: parens

[Bug 1401] Use substitution groups to improve usability

[Bug 1402] Drop infixOp

[Bug 1403] Typo in generalComparisonOpTypes enumeration

[Bug 1404] Namespaces in XQueryX

[Bug 1405] Loose grammar, could be tightened

[Bug 1409] [DM] are lax attributes of type xdt:untypedAtomic?

[Bug 1416] [XQuery] Specification of XQuery encoding in prolog

[Bug 1417] [XQuery] Grammar: void() and empty()

[Bug 1439] [XQX] Trivial embedding and construction

[Bug 1440] [XQX] Trivial embedding and construction

[Bug 1441] [XQX] complex type derivation vs substitution group

[Bug 1442] [XQX] Remove xs:choice

[Bug 1443] [XQX] QNames in XQueryX

[Bug 1446] [XQuery] Editorial: boundary whitespace example

[Bug 1447] [XQuery] strip construction and is-id on attributes

[Bug 1448] [XQuery] Grammar: Longest token vs delimiting terminal

[Bug 1449] Shuld 'to' be reseved?

[Bug 1451] [XQuery]: Optional indicator in direct element and attribute constructors

[Bug 1452] [XQuery]: "deterministic" indicator for external functions

[Bug 1462] sequenceExpr use in XQueryX

[Bug 1465] Security conditions in App. I 6

[Bug 1479] 3.11 Embedded Stylesheet Modules; how to express type information

[Bug 1482] Editorial: "the" missing in

[Bug 1483] Make description of "code point" and "characters" clearer

[Bug 1484] Please make a reference to UTS18

[Bug 1487] Undocumented incompatibility: sort key = ()

[Bug 1490] ERR XTDE0800 - Redundant error

[Bug 1490] New: ERR XTDE0800 - Redundant error

[Bug 1492] New: Section D.1.1 eg:if-empty example error

[Bug 1492] Section D.1.1 eg:if-empty example error

[Bug 1494] New: [XQuery] encoding names

[Bug 1495] New: Suspected Typo

[Bug 1495] Suspected Typo

[Bug 1497] Editorial: grammar in 7.3.1

[Bug 1497] New: Editorial: grammar in 7.3.1

[Bug 1498] Feature request: namespace for errors, elaborated error code descriptions

[Bug 1498] New: Feature request: namespace for errors, elaborated error code descriptions

[Bug 1501] Distinction between basic and Schema Aware XSLT 2.0 processor

[Bug 1501] New: Distinction between basic and Schema Aware XSLT 2.0 processor

[Bug 1502] [F&O] escape-uri encompasses & s/b split into 2 distinct functions

[Bug 1502] New: [F&O] escape-uri encompasses & s/b split into 2 distinct functions

[Bug 1508] Impact of XML Base on collation, namespace URIs

[Bug 1508] New: Impact of XML Base on collation, namespace URIs

[Bug 1511] Invalid casting syntax in example, Section 17.1.1

[Bug 1511] New: Invalid casting syntax in example, Section 17.1.1

[Bug 1512] New: editorial suggestion for fn:min and fn:max

[Bug 1513] New: Typo: xs:URI instead of xs:anyURI

[Bug 1513] Typo: xs:URI instead of xs:anyURI

[Bug 1514] New: Typo: unbalanced paranteses in function signature example

[Bug 1514] Typo: unbalanced paranteses in function signature example

[Bug 1515] Contradictory statement: casting to xs:notation permitted/allowed

[Bug 1515] New: Contradictory statement: casting to xs:notation permitted/allowed

[Bug 1516] New: Editorial: example in 5.5.1 misleading

[FT] FTThesaurusOption

[FT] FTTimes from m to n

Comments from the i18n-core-wg on qt

XML source for "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators"?

Last message date: Thursday, 30 June 2005 23:36:12 UTC