RE: [XSLT2.0] named "templates"

I think the terminology in the spec now matches popular and natural usage: a
template has a one-to-one correspondence with an xsl:template element. In
1.0, the content of an xsl:if instruction was technically a template, but
no-one ever called it that.
Michael Kay


[] On Behalf Of DuCharme, Bob
Sent: 19 January 2005 18:20
To: ''
Subject: [XSLT2.0] named "templates"

If "The term sequence constructor replaces template as used in XSLT 1.0"
[1], then the terminology used to define named templates[2] needs some
reworking, or at least some additional explanation, to fit in better with
the terminology of the new data model. (Named what?) 
Bob DuCharme

Received on Wednesday, 19 January 2005 21:06:08 UTC