Re: [XSLT 2.0] format-dateTime localised picture parameters long medium short

Our ref: qt-2003Nov0055-01

This issue has a rather unfortunate history. The working group initially
rejected the proposal; there was push-back on this decision; we looked at it
again and thought we could come up with a design to meet the requirement;
the proposer (and others) then pointed out that our design did not meet the
stated requirement.

There comes a time when a spec has to be frozen, and facilities that cause
problems have to be sacrificed in the interests of finishing. We believe
there is nothing in the XSLT 2.0 requirements that makes it essential to
provide this facility, and that we have already provided a vast amount of
new date-and-time handling functionality to meet user needs. Therefore,
we've decided to withdraw the facility that we previously proposed (the new
properties for system-property()), and to classify this feature request as
something to be considered again after XSLT 2.0.

Sorry this has been such a painful process: we do bend over backwards to
please, and sometimes we stumble in the process.

As it happens, this was the second issue to be raised during the last call
period for XSLT 2.0, and it is the last one to be closed. We now have no
outstanding issues from the last call.


Michael Kay
for the XSL Working Group

Received on Tuesday, 28 September 2004 14:00:45 UTC