RE: [Serialization] SCHEMA-C

> The Schema WG thanks you for this response. We find the 
> clarification as a
> serialization error an improvement and accept that. We 
> continue to be deeply
> troubled, however, by the fact that data models with xs:QNames fail to
> serialize and therefore validate correctly. We are heartened 
> by our knowledge
> that the Query/XSL Working groups have continued to discuss 
> that matter, and
> encourage them in that effort.

I think we need to work together to find a solution to the QName problem.
It's wretchedly difficult having a data type where the value in the value
space has no context-independent lexical representation. Adding the
possibility of representing QName values in a lexical notation such as
uri##local would greatly ease the pain. (We choose choose a format that can
potentially be used anywhere in XML, XML Schema, XSLT, XPath, or XQuery that
lexical QNames are currently used).

Michael Kay

Received on Friday, 21 May 2004 15:57:50 UTC