Re: qt-2003Nov0304-01

This note follows up on

qt-2003Nov0304-01 : [XQuery] SAG-XQ-003 Run-time access to static namespace

In doing so, it also attempts to solve the issues concerned with casting
between QNames and strings.

Note that I am now detached from the company on whose behalf I originally
raised the comment.

The original note points out that it is a heavy overhead to require XQuery
implementations to keep the static namespace context around at run-time,
that there are very few constructs that actually require it, and that it
would actually be clearer to users if namespace prefixes used in the query
(like variable names and function names) were purely compile-time
constructs, inaccessible at run-time.

(In XSLT, run-time access to the namespace context is a fact of life, there
are many constructs like the key() and format-number() functions that
require it. We can't change this, much though I would like to. However,
these constructs are detectable at compile time, so the namespace context
never needs to be retained "just in case").

Following discussion of the initial proposal, I was invited to prepare a
detailed proposal describing all the changes required. This affects two
areas: casting between QName/NOTATION and string (which also affects XPath),
and computed element and attribute constructors (which are XQuery only).

1. Casting QName/NOTATION to/from string/UA

(I use "string/UA" as shorthand for "string or untypedAtomic")

The current status here is somewhat chaotic. Currently [F+O Christmas

* casting QName to string/UA is disallowed; 

* casting NOTATION to string/UA is allowed (although it is exactly the same

* casting string/UA to QName is "maybe" allowed, (it works if the prefix
used in the lexical QName is declared in the static context)

* casting string/UA to NOTATION is disallowed (it has to be, because
NOTATION is an abstract type).

I believe that the right solution to this problem is for an xs:QName or
xs:NOTATION to carry a prefix with the value in the same way as a dateTime
carries a timezone. This prefix can be empty. The prefix plays no part in
comparison operations. When an xs:QName or xs:NOTATION is obtained as a
result of schema validation the prefix is taken from the lexical value
supplied. When a QName is returned as a result of the node-name() function,
the prefix is the same as would be returned in the result of the name()
function. When a QName is constructed using the expanded-QName() function,
the second argument ($paramLocal) is allowed to be a lexical QName, and the
prefix is taken from this lexical QName (if the second argument is an
NCName, the prefix is empty).

When casting from an xs:QName or xs:NOTATION to a string, the result is a
lexical QName formed using the prefix and the local name components of the
value. This operation always succeeds, though it does not always produce a
useful result. As a result, every atomic value can now be converted to a
string without risk of failure, and the result is context-independent.

Casting from string/UA to QName/NOTATION should in general be disallowed,
because the result is context-dependent. It currently works only if the
prefix is declared in the static context, in which case the user knows what
the required namespace URI is, and can therefore use expanded-QName() to
construct it. To make this easier, I propose shortening the name of the
expanded-QName() function to simply QName().

However, for convenience in situations where names are commonly unprefixed,
I propose that we should allow casting from string/UA to QName only in the
case where the string/UA is in the form of an NCName. The result is then an
xs:QName in no namespace. This operation is still context-independent.

The one useful facility that this loses is the ability to write a "literal"
QName using the constructor syntax, for example xs:QName("xsi:type"). I
propose that we provide custom syntax for this case, specifically

2. Dynamic element and attribute constructors

In a computed constructor of the form "element {Expr1} {Expr2}", or
"attribute {Expr1} {Expr2}", the value of Expr1 is allowed (after
atomization) to be either an xs:QName, or a string/UA. In the latter case it
is cast to an xs:QName, invoking the casting rules. Under the rules above
this option becomes meaningless, except in the case where the name is
unprefixed (a very common case). I therefore propose no change to the rules
for constructors, other than adding a note that the option to supply a
string rather than an xs:QName is useful only in the case where the element
or attribute is to be in the null namespace.


1. expanded QNames and NOTATION values are held as triples, including a
prefix. The prefix is used 
   (a) when converting the QName to a string
   (b) when a QName-valued attribute is attached to an element, to generate
a namespace node (the prefix forms a preferred prefix, but may be overridden
if it clashes with another). The prefix is not used in any comparison

2. casting QName/NOTATION to string/UA is always allowed, and uses the
prefix stored in the value

3. casting string/UA to QName is allowed only in the case where the
string/UA is an NCName, in which case the resulting QName is in no namespace

4. casting string/UA to NOTATION is disallowed (no change)

5. the construct "QName" "{" qname "}" is introduced to represent a literal
QName value

6. no change to the rules for element and attribute constructors, other than
to note the consequences of the changes to the casting rules.

7. the expanded-QName() function is renamed QName(), and allows its second
argument to be a string in the form of a lexical QName

8. the node-name() function returns a QName that contains a prefix generated
in the same way as the name() function

Michael Kay

Received on Wednesday, 24 March 2004 06:40:03 UTC