Re: [XSLT2.0] Collations with lang and case-order

Issue: qt-2004Jan0021-01


Originally raised at:


The Working Group reviewed this comment on 26 Feb 2004 and agreed that it
would be useful to further clarify the fact that the "collation" identified
by a collation URI is already a fully tailored collation, and that this is
why the case-order and lang attributes are only meaningful if no collation
URI is specified. I intend to include similar wording to that already
present in section 7.3.1 of F+O. Specifically, after the cross-reference to
F+O, to add text to the effect:


"Some specifications, for example the [Unicode
>  Collation Algorithm], use the term "collation" to describe rules that can
be tailored or parameterized for various purposes. In this specification, a
collation URI refers to a collation in which all such parameters have
already been fixed. Therefore, if a collation URI is specified, other
attributes such as case-order and lang are ignored."


I would be grateful if you could confirm that this resolution of your
comment is acceptable.


Michael Kay

For the XSL Working Group



Received on Monday, 1 March 2004 15:04:47 UTC