
13.1.3 Sorting using Collations
"The lang and case-order attributes are ignored if a collation
attribute is present"
 It looks like there is an implicit assumption that lang and case-order
 attributes functionality could be provided by collation.   A lang and
case-order attributes functionality looks like a subset of collation
functionality. If it is not the case, then
a user cannot have functionality where e.g.  there is case-order and
 some collation parameters other than parameters corresponding  lang.
Specify explicitly in description of collation that collation should
provide with
lang and case-order functionality.

Igor Hersht
XSLT Development
IBM Canada Ltd., 8200 Warden Avenue, Markham, Ontario L6G 1C7
Office D2-260, Phone (905)413-3240 ; FAX  (905)413-4839

Received on Sunday, 11 January 2004 19:47:34 UTC